Call for Papers for Volume 19(1). Due for Publication on 30 April 2025
The AJSE is a journal that is currently accepting manuscripts for publication in Volume 19(1). AJSE publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in all areas of Science and Engineering. All papers published by AJSE are peer-reviewed.
The following types of papers are considered for publication:
Original articles in basic and applied research.
Critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries, and essays
Manuscripts must be sent via the system at Submissions. AJSE editorial board makes an objective and quick decision on each manuscript and informs the corresponding author promptly. If accepted, the article is published after submission.
AJSE is a journal and all articles published are freely available to scientific researchers in the public and private sectors, and the general public. The journal also provides a medium for documentation and archiving of scientific research. AJSE papers are exposed to the widest possible readership.
Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript shortly after submission. Following acceptance, the paper will be published in the next available issue
See Author's Guide